
The Academy of Chinese Studies

Fall 2024 class

The Academy of Chinese Studies in New Orleans

The Academy of Chinese Studies in New Orleans was established in the fall of 1977 and has been serving the metropolitan area of NOLA since then. By diligent efforts of several generations, the Academy has served and become an institution committed to serving local communities with its accomplished educational and service expertise.

There are 240-280 registered students each school year in our Academy. Courses are available to students from kindergarteners to adults. In addition, there are extracurricular programs. Besides the spring and fall semesters, on-line classes are offered during the summer. 40% of our teachers hold master’s degrees or above, and 50% have 5 years or more teaching experiences.

You may learn more about our stories, our passion and our commitment from this website.

Welcome and join us! Let’s work together to build a better community!

Our Courses

Language courses

Language Courses for Children Age 4 to Adults

Elective courses

Dance, Paper Cutting/Origami, Painting, Calligraphy, Conversation Practice

Student work

天伦之乐 作者(成人班):Gene Gregory

我和我的太太 一共有七个孙子孙女。 除了最小的孙女以外, 其余的都已长大成人, 有着他们自己繁忙的生活。所以我们探访他们的机会就很少。只有最小的孙女生下来就跟我们住在一起。现在她也住得离我们不远。今年她九岁了,还喜欢每个周末到我们这里来玩。 我们留了一个房间给她,里面都是她的东西。
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空城计 作者(成人班):Erik Zibilich

这学期我们准备演出“空城计”,这是三国演义中诸葛亮智救西城及其居民的著名片段。虽说事后诸葛亮主张这个计谋不宜多用, 然而我们认为这个策略在今天这个世界依然奏效。
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