班级幼儿班1年级2年级3年级4年级5年级6年级7年级8年级9年级成人班自填自填学年20252026学期春季秋季中文姓名英文姓名性别男女出生日期家庭电话电子邮箱 *家庭住址父亲姓名手机号码母亲姓名手机号码在中文学校就读的其他子女姓名班级幼儿班1年级2年级3年级4年级5年级6年级7年级8年级9年级成人班自填自填紧急联系人姓名手机号码医生姓名手机号码食物过敏告知My child DOES have a food allergy. He or she may not participate in food-related activities without parents’ permission.My child DOES NOT have a food allergy. He or she may participate in food-related activities.食物过敏告知确认I understand that it is my responsibility as parent/guardian to inform the Academy of any food allergies my child may have. I release the Academy from any liability for any illness that may occur as a result of my child’s participation.家长确认签名 *请在此签名Your browser does not support e-Signature field.学校学生守则确认1.按时到校上课, 不迟到早退。 因故缺席、需晚到或早退者,必须事先向老师请假。 2.尊敬老师,遵守课堂纪律。上课时不得在课堂里随便讲话、走动、出入、不允许影响上课的行为发生。上厕所须报告。下课铃响后,要等候老师宣布下课,方可离开教室。 3.按时完成家庭作业。若因故不能上课,亦须补齐作业。 4.遵守学校制度,在校内不得骂人打架。 5.爱护公共设施。不得进入未经允许使用的教室, 不得擅自动用、带走、损坏学校的教具或其它不属于学生本人的用品。违者按价赔偿。 6.保持学校环境清洁,不随地扔纸屑或其它垃圾。不得在学校的任何地方涂鸦,包括桌、椅、墙和地面。没有老师许可,不得在黑板上写字或擦掉老师的板书。 7.课间休息严禁乱跑、喊叫以及任何影响他人安全的行为。 8.学生未经许可不得于课间离开教学楼,不得在楼外闲逛。 9.上课期间若发生紧急情况,应听从老师和校方人员指挥。 10.学生因违反校规所造成的意外,校方将不承担法律责任。 11.放学后,学生必须在家长陪伴下离开教学楼;过时不接,滞留期间发生意外,校方不予负责。 学生违反本守则, 老师及校方可依据情形轻重给予以下处理: 1.学生初次违反学生守则,老师将给予该学生口头警告。 2.学生再次违反学生守则,老师将给予该学生书面警告,并通知家长及校方。 3.如经老师、家长、校方教育后,学生屡教不改, 学校将酌情劝其退学。家长确认签名 *请在此签名Your browser does not support e-Signature field.Form Section学杂费USD支付方式Zelle转账现场支付使用 Zelle转账 登录您的银行账户,找到Pay bills & QuickPay with Zelle®️ 点击Add New recipient 点击Send money with QuickPay with Zelle 填写收款人姓名Recipient name: XXX 收款人Email: XXX@gmail.com 请在Memo中,填写清楚您的姓名,孩子姓名和电话号码,方便我们关联您的注册信息。 Consent *Refund Policy: A refund of 100% tuition is given if withdrawal before 2nd week. No tuition refund will be given after the 2nd week. If a student is dismissed from the school due to violation of the school rules as stated in the handbook, also no refund will be given. Waiver of Liability: I consent to the above named person(s) participating in the Academy of Chinese Studies in New Orleans (ACSNO), and in the Association of Tulane University activities, agree on behalf of said person(s) and the undersigned that we assume the risk of accident or injuries sustained form whatever cause in connection therewith and release Tulane University and ACSNO, its board members, staff, agents, volunteers, teachers, and associates from any liability from any such accident or injury. Participation Agreement: In consideration of myself or my child participating in the programs of ACSNO. I agree on behalf ofmyself and my child to assume all risks of injury to my child and to waive all claims, actions, and damages against ACSNO. I further agree not to sue ACSNO, its staff, board members, volunteers, officers, directors, employees, agents, or assigns for anyclaims arising out of participation in ACSNO programs, or the actions of the program participants.I (We) agree in full of the School Handbook and all the School Policy and Rules, I (We) agree that any photos taken by TheAcademy Chinese Studies in New Orleans (ACSNO) during at or in connection with any activities or program held at orsponsored by ACSNO may be published by ACSNO on its websites or other media for such purpose as deemed fit by ACSNO.This form must be filled out properly and completely, a partially filled form will not be accepted. By signing below, the applicantacknowledges that the applicant has read, agrees and does understand the full content.报名